Jan 8, 2014


So, I'm working on a project, and I'm supposed to be done with the storyboards today.  I'm having a mental fatigue kind of week, so I'm sort of stuck.

Usually, I just jump into my program of choice (we decided as a team what we would use for this project during project planning) and start blocking out how I want to chunk info, what kinds of interactions/practice activities I will need and do like a wireframe with notes.  For some reason, I'm not making a lot of progress this way, so I think I'm going to get out a pen and actually draw.

I know there are a million different versions of storyboard templates out there in the world, but I've found keeping it simple usually works for me. I whipped this up a couple years ago when I started using Circa notebooks, so I could print out a bunch & punch it for my notebook to have on hand.  I'm happy to share with you here :)

Have a great day! and wish me luck...

Jan 2, 2014

Happy New Year!

Well, so much for blogging MORE in 2013 - or at ALL! :P

This year, I've decided to just keep it simple (duh, you'd think I would have thought of that earlier).

Today, I'd like to share a Storify that @MartinCouzins was kind enough to put together of our special holiday edition of #Chat2lrn where we talked about giving back to the community. There were lots of interpretations of the word "community," which I actually thought made for a more interesting discussion :)


Curated tweets from #chat2lrn Twitter chat on giving back

P.S. Martin has also put together lots of other Storifys of #chat2lrn chats, see them here:
http://storify.com/martincouzins#stories  And for more info on #chat2lrn, please see our blog: http://chat2lrn.wordpress.com/

Have a wonderful new year!